The Book

Photo by Dan-Cristian Paduret on Unsplash

     It is the year 2023, and in these present times, Catholic religious orders are in decline — at least in America. Some may see this as limiting their opportunities to pursue a higher calling in Christ. However, it isn’t true. In the world, there are wars and then there are cold wars as well: when nations are competing with one another in a bad spirit, or in response to that bad spirit, resulting in things like arms races and espionage and propaganda, et cetera, et cetera. The same is true in the spirit world, and the Church is at war and suffering.

     Years ago, I was living in a religious community. I believe it was a recognized order in the Roman Catholic Church. I was pursuing God aggressively, but I felt like my faith needed more structure so that I could build it out. Kind of like a workout routine for bodybuilders. I don’t remember how, but I learned about the Five Stones of Medjugorje. The Five Stones are in reference to 1 Samuel 17:40 where David had five stones in his bag when he approached Goliath with his sling or slingshot. This is especially relevant to the book, The Harvest, and the present times.

     The times of the giants led to the flood with the introduction of advanced knowledge and technology to mankind. After the flood, some revisited this knowledge and technology and there were giants again. Goliath was a giant, although a small giant. And humankind is presently in the midst of rapid technological growth. Technological growth is on the incline. Religious orders, morality, and faith are on the decline, at least in America. So, the message of Medjugorje is more than just a general call to faith. It’s a targeted message. It’s what we need today to counter the increasing victories of the enemy, in these times.

     It’s sad to say, but the enemy is gaining ground. So, the Five Stones are important to us all corporately: as a world and nations and communities, but also as families and individuals. Because that’s where the battle is won. Not by putting your faith in “leaders”, but by pressing into Christ’s bosom yourself. The Five Stones are prayer, fasting, the Bible, penance and the Eucharist. If you don’t know about Medjugorje, I highly recommend looking into it. The fruit of my faith journey is this book. I hope you enjoy it. And, if you have any questions about anything, this website provides several ways to reach me including mail, e-mail, and online conference with or without video. Hope to hear from you soon!

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