About Us

     Hello, thanks for visiting the site. In case you’re wondering what this is all about; well, simply put, it’s about a book. Years ago, in my late twenties, I became Christian. Very shortly after this, Jesus told me I was going to write a book. He didn’t tell me what the book would be about, but He did give me the title: The Harvest. Well, I’m now in my late forties (as of 10/20/21), and I’m on the final draft. I can also say that I now know what the book is about. FYI, I’m not a theologian by training, nor am I a writer by training. I’d like to think that I’m an amateur painter with words. A picture is worth a thousand words, and it is with pictures that Jesus leads this effort. The labor is putting those pictures into order, and then putting each of those pictures into a thousand words that someone can read.

     About a month ago, Jesus told me to put the book online. So, I bought some books on how to do that and now the book is online. Well, as much as I’ve completed of the final draft. It’s taken me twenty years to get to this point. Twenty years of prayer, fasting, study, penance, and Communion. Maybe I should also mention the twenty years of soul searching, hard labor to find and earn a living, my share of chores and errands and other such toil, my share of high points and low points, and of course all the other experiences along the way. For me it’s the Appian Way, the queen of the long roads. And I need the time, for it’s going to be another twenty years before I finish painting the whole picture that’s been presented to first my heart and then in detail to my mind’s eye and ear.

     This book isn’t for everyone. If it’s for you then follow along! It takes me about a week to produce a paragraph, and I don’t produce a paragraph every week. However, the journey is sweet, sweet as an orange on the tree after a cold frost. I must be pruned and I must suffer, or else it might be I who is writing the book by my own strength, and that would be a terrible drink indeed. It is the will of the Son of Man that I write this book and write by the Spirit, and that is a very difficult task, especially for a sinner like me. It takes a lot of time and a lot of patience, for I have to wait for myself to quiet down and be open to instruction. Then the Spirit can rest beside me before the blank page in the candlelight and begin to guide and instruct me in His quiet, gentle, loving, smiling, and meek Way.